
Let’s continue the fight for last mile broadband access but look to a future with broadband to drive economic development.

I will continue the fight to bring last mile broadband connections to all communities in western Massachusetts. Choosing to live and work in one of the most beautiful areas of the Commonwealth doesn’t mean we should be locked out of broadband access. And when we get broadband, I will hold community conversations in all 19 towns to hear your ideas for how we can leverage state resources to create jobs and attract entrepreneurs and small businesses to our region.

Transportation Infrastructure

Let’s be the voice for rural transportation infrastructure.

Transportation funding in rural Massachusetts is critically important, particularly for regional transit authorities and for programs like the MA Small Bridges program. Our rural transportation system will never compare or compete with the numbers served in urban centers, but that doesn’t mean we need it any less. In fact, we need it more. Without public transportation, many people in Franklin County cannot access the jobs and services needed to support their families. We cannot let this vital service go un-funded.

Supporting our Small Towns

Let’s work together and find our strength in numbers.

Our small towns and non-profit agencies often do not have the resources to access state and federal funds. My office will be a resource for local town boards and I will place a premium on constituent services for individuals, non-profits and local businesses. Together we will make the connections with agencies in Boston and in Washington so we can continue to grow the capacity of our towns and our neighbors.

Let’s work together to build strong, healthy, connected communities.